Body-based, science-backed, intensive retreats and programs that retrain your nervous system to start producing happiness, freedom, and well-being on autopilot


Read on to learn more or click the button above to schedule a confidential call with a member of our team.

5-Day Intensive



24-28 September 2024


It doesn't take years to leave trauma, pain, addiction, and suffering behind when you stack the elements together intelligently

One of the main reasons I see people continuing to struggle with addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma, and the like isn't because they are incapable of change. It's simply because they have only been focusing on one piece of the puzzle at a time instead of working with the whole picture all at once.

This makes it possible for their incredibly adaptable human brain and body to continue clinging to the old way of feeling and reacting to the world.

"That's the gift of being human — once your body and brain has found a working solution, it'll keep using it!"

Jeff attended specifically for help dealing with a laundry list of toxic beliefs about himself. He coped with these beliefs by engaging in some addictive behaviors. Listen to him describe how retraining his body helped him bypass those behaviors without the need to talk through them.

Carmie came in a moment of crisis, struggling with health issues, lifelong anxiety, depression, and an auto-immune disease. She had seen how much change these retreats and programs produced in her husband and son and decided it was time for her as well. Her story is a great example of how these retreats can benefit everyone.

Because of how we're wired, the path to healing and freedom can be remarkably simple

No need to spend years in therapy rehashing the same childhood stories. No need to give up on future dreams because of a diagnosis that is supposed to stick around for life.

No need to call yourself an addict, a victim, or even a survivor ever again once your mind and body have learned their new trick.

All we have to do is put the nervous system into a position where it has no choice but to come up with a better solution.

Which requires doing something a little counter-intuitive. Rather than slowly, calmly, and methodically working through each individual element of the problem so as not to overwhelm the person, we actually want to do the opposite – almost forcing the nervous system into a situation where it can no longer rely on the old programs and has to make new ones.

Reserve Your Spot

24 - 28 Sept 2024

Join us for 5 intensive days of dropping old baggage, eliminating trauma, dealing with root issues, retraining the nervous system, and beginning a new life.

Not Sure If A

Retreat Is For You?

Schedule a call with one of our team where we can look at your situation together and help you decide the best way to move forward based on your situation

Start With The


The simplest way to discover what this approach offers is to start with Built for Freedom. This book will introduce you to the methods involved, why they work, and the number of issues they have solved.

JOIN US IN OUR MISSION to make everything we do free for anyone in need. We're not there yet, and every little bit counts. Even $10/month can change a life.

What is included when I sign up?


If the event is still a ways out, you don't have to wait around to get started. Upon signing up you will have immediate access to our online processes and support from our team.

What Else Is Included?

  1. Simple, specific preparatory guidance to ensure you arrive ready to get the best results

  2. Transportation to and from the airport

  3. Lodging and nutritious meals (provided by our in-house chef) while there

  4. Professional support from a team of trained guides

  5. One-on-one time available each night with the guides for deeply personal struggles

  6. Access to all the online programs and support for continued training and momentum after the retreat is over

  7. One-on-one coaching calls (6 total) available before and after the retreat to help resolve any big things that come up

What logistics will I need to plan for?

Retreat Dates: May 14 - May 18, 2024 (Tue - Sat)

Rendezvous Location: Utah (pickup at Salt Lake City Airport). Have flights or other transportation arrive by 2:00pm.

Return: Have flights leave after 5:00pm on the Saturday.

A Packing List: Will be provided two weeks prior to your retreat dates.

Event Prep Homework: Assigned two weeks prior to the event. Plan on a few hours of reflective work to get you prepared for your retreat.

*Please let us know of any food restrictions

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What will I be doing to prepare for the retreat?


It starts with some basic guidance and simple exercises to practice for a week or two before the retreat.

Simple things, but they will powerfully prepare your body and mind for what we'll do together and will help you hit the ground running on day 1.

What can I expect during the retreat?

The Event:

Day 1:

- Discover for yourself the direct physical link between your mental/emotional struggles and your body's instinctive reactions

Day 2:

- Drop ANY and ALL emotional ties to the past, clearing out years of habit, pain, and trauma

Day 3:

- Retrain your nervous system to automatically respond differently to life's stresses and "triggers"

Day 4:

- Spend time deep within and discover the simple joy of being yourself without having to measure up

Day 5:

- Discover how much has changed in this short time by using all the skills you've developed in a final experience

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What additional support comes after the retreat?


We've set up a simple "re-entry" process called Coming Home to help you remember what you learned and keep the momentum going into the rest of your life.

Plus, you'll get access to our online guidance to help you make the changes you experience really last...

So, on top of post-event guidance, we put together powerful at-home training programs that will make what you learned stick (even if you're like me and can't read your notes from the event).

This step-by-step training will make everything you experience and learn at Built For Freedom™ become second nature – your default setting!

You’ll get:

  • Simple, practical exercises

  • Easy-to-follow written and video instructions

  • Constant questions answered throughout the process

  • Email support

  • And you can do them at whatever pace you want

What does Bob mean by "retraining the nervous system"?

None of us were born struggling with life the way we might be right now. These struggles are automatic habits our nervous system learned along the way as we navigated life events. We tend to call them emotions, thoughts, and physical pains, but they are really just reflexes.

Retraining those reflexive responses to life so that our bodies and minds start producing happiness, health, and well-being on auto pilot means challenging those very habits in a way that forces the brain to come up with a new and better solution.

It involves getting into training situations that challenge how we breathe, move, stand, think, and sense our environment while being guided on how to respond in a way that produces even more ease and joy instead of stress, pain, and overwhelm. 

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What if I'm not quite ready for a retreat right now? Is there anything else I can do?

Absolutely. I'd recommend starting with my book, Built for Freedom. You can find the link above to purchase a digital copy, or you can purchase the Audible or paperback version here on Amazon.

You can click here to check out some of our free and low cost resources.

I would still recommend jumping on a call with one of my team members. You can click to schedule a call here. They will be able to answer any questions you may have and provide you with information on some of our lower cost online programs.

With this approach, what used to take months, years, even decades (if ever), can now happen in a matter of days!

This is something I have now personally facilitated with hundreds of people dealing with "big" problems like addiction, depression, and OCD all the way to panic attacks, PTSD, body image issues or a childhood they wouldn't wish on their worst enemy.

What's even more incredible is that this approach has even given people who don't have "big" problems a chance to let go of limitations that have prevented them from living the life they always wanted to live. These people have found greater confidence, creativity, motivation, and connection than they realized was possible.

All from working with the whole person at once. It's an experience unlike anything else I've ever seen in all my years of searching, and I invite you to come feel it for yourself.

My team is ready and excited to answer your questions and provide you with whatever information you need to jump in.

Click here to Schedule your free confidential call now.

To your freedom,

Bob "Why Take Longer Than Necessary?" Gardner

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We are not doctors, physicians, counselors, or therapists. We are coaches. As a result, we do not diagnose, cure, treat, or prescribe treatment for mental health issues. What we do is help eliminate the root problems that have contributed to the struggle and empower you with skills to be able to live a life that gives you MORE than the behaviors ever did. That way the struggle often vanishes or goes away on its own without having to treat it at all. If that's the kind of help you are looking for, schedule a call here.

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